How to Make a Commercial – A talk

You might want to make a TV commercial for your company. You might want to be a filmmaker someday, and that day you will have to work with commercials one way or another. What are things you will surely have to remember when asking people to make commercials for your company or when making commercials yourself?

Simon Cade from DSLRGuide talks about making commercials in this down-to-Earth video, in which Simon talks about his experiences creating a commercial for a short film festival. The first thing he approached was what the client asked out of the commercial, which demographic is it geared towards, etc.

Then, instead of a specific “What’s a good idea for a commercial”, Simon asked himself similarly to other projects “What’s on your mind” – a generic question that brings up a variety of ideas and answers.

Similar to the Budweiser Super Bowl example at the beginning of the video, Simon wanted to stray from the festival itself to something every filmmaker – the primary target of the commercial – would love: making films.

After having a rough idea, Simon came up with ways to present the struggle of making films in contrast to the rose-colored process often seen in the media.

There are more to the process than it looks, so be sure to check out the video below: 

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